Astros Function Digital 7 Days Timer
- 7 days with 8 Programs per week
- Astronomical Function (Auto Dust to Dawn)
- Sunup and Sunset Zones for North America USA North, Central, South, Canada and Alaska/NT Canada. See below map of Zones
- Auto Day Night Saving Time (DTS)
- Random Function
- Rechargeable Battery back up with NiMH rechargeable battery reserve timer more 200 hours after fully charged
- 2 x 3 Prong Plugs with Grounded
- Rating: Input 125VAC 60Hz
- Output:
Resistive Load: 15 Amps@125VAC 1875 Watts
Inductive Load: 1/2 HP, TV5 120VAC
The following map shows the SUNUP and SUNSET ZONES Setting for the timer: